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Version: v4

Submitting Pull Requests

So now we talked about your proposed change in the issue and it's time for you to implement the change and make it into a pull request (PR).

Step 1 - Forking the Main Repository​

You cannot add code directly to our repository, you need to first get your own copy "a fork". GitHub makes this really simple, all you need to do is log in with your GitHub account, navigate to Pester repository and click the "Fork" button on the upper right. There is a helpful wizard to walk you through the process of forking and cloning the repository. At the end you should have a local copy of Pester on your computer.

If you don't have much experience with git, I suggest you download the GitHub desktop client that will make reviewing your changes really simple. I will be describing all the steps in commands that you need to put in command line. You can get to it by clicking the cog wheel in the application and selecting "Open in Git shell".

Step 2 - Syncing Your Clone with the Main Repository​

If you just forked and cloned as described in the Step 1 you can skip directly to step 3. Your code is already up-to-date.

Otherwise you should make sure that your fork and your local copy (clone) is up to date. We will be updating the main branch, because that is where you should always start when creating a new PR.

First you need to tell your repository where to find the official Pester repository by setting an upstream remote, you can find how to do that in this official guide.

Then you need to get the latest code from the main Pester repository (upstream) and merge it to your repository, here is another official guide on how to do that.. Finally you push the changes to your fork on the server (origin), by running git push in the command line. You should repeat these steps every time you are starting a new PR, to make sure your code is up-to-date.

Here is the whole process from cloning the repository from an out-dated fork, till pushing the changes to the server:

# cloning my fork of Pester from the server,
# (notice the /nohwnd/pester.git in the URL, unlike /pester/pester.git of the official repository)
C:\Users\nohwnd\Documents\GitHub> git clone
Cloning into 'Pester'...
remote: Counting objects: 4858, done.
remote: Total 4858 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 4858R
Receiving objects: 100% (4858/4858), 9.14 MiB | 1.58 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (3236/3236), done.
Checking connectivity... done.

# navigating to the repository folder
C:\Users\nohwnd\Documents\GitHub> cd .\Pester\

# listing the remotes to see what is there
# (notice that the URL is the same as the cloning URL and that it's called origin)
C:\Users\nohwnd\Documents\GitHub\Pester [main ≡]> git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

# adding one more remote to tell git where the official Pester repository is
# (notice this one is called upstream, and has /pester/pester.git in the URL, unlike the fork)
C:\Users\nohwnd\Documents\GitHub\Pester [main ≡]> git remote add upstream

# listing the remotes again to confirm the configuration is correct
C:\Users\nohwnd\Documents\GitHub\Pester [main ≡]> git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)

### --- The previous steps are one-time. You can start from here on successive updates. ---

# downloading (fetching) data from the official repository
# (you can see there are some new branches and tags)
C:\Users\nohwnd\Documents\GitHub\Pester [main ≡]> git fetch upstream
remote: Counting objects: 40, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (20/20), done.
remote: Total 40 (delta 23), reused 15 (delta 15), pack-reused 5
Unpacking objects: 100% (40/40), done.
* [new branch] DevelopmentV4 -> upstream/DevelopmentV4
* [new branch] RunOnNanoServer -> upstream/RunOnNanoServer
* [new branch] main -> upstream/main
* [new tag] 3.3.12 -> 3.3.12
* [new tag] 3.3.13 -> 3.3.13
* [new tag] 3.3.14 -> 3.3.14
* [new tag] 3.4.0 -> 3.4.0
* [new tag] 3.4.1 -> 3.4.1
* [new tag] 3.4.2 -> 3.4.2
* [new tag] 3.4.3 -> 3.4.3

# moving to the main branch (I already was there so this step was not necessary.)
# the message says I am up-to-date with origin/main - the main branch in my fork on the server.
# you can call "git pull" to make sure everything is up to date
C:\Users\nohwnd\Documents\GitHub\Pester [main ≡]> git checkout main
Already on 'main'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/main'.

# here I am merging the offical repository main branch to my fork main branch
# you can see there were some changes to merge
C:\Users\nohwnd\Documents\GitHub\Pester [main ≡]> git merge upstream/main
Updating 6680807..dc550d2
Fast-forward | 3 +++
Functions/Assertions/Should.ps1 | 7 +++++++
Functions/New-MockObject.Tests.ps1 | 7 +++++++
Functions/New-MockObject.ps1 | 24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
Pester.psd1 | 5 +++--
Pester.psm1 | 1 + | 1 +
7 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 Functions/New-MockObject.Tests.ps1
create mode 100644 Functions/New-MockObject.ps1

# pushing the merged changes to my fork on the server (origin)
C:\Users\nohwnd\Documents\GitHub\Pester [main ↑]> git push
Counting objects: 15, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (15/15), done.
Writing objects: 100% (15/15), 2.23 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 15 (delta 9), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (9/9), completed with 7 local objects.
6680807..dc550d2 main -> main

Step 3 - Create a Feature Branch​

Switch to your main branch and create a new so-called feature branch from it. This branch will hold all changes for the PR you are implementing. You could put your changes directly into the main branch, but that's not recommended.

git checkout -b "FixHelpForShould"

This command will create a new branch based on the current branch (main) and will switch directly to it.

C:\Users\nohwnd\Documents\GitHub\Pester [main ≡]> git checkout main
Already on 'main'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/main'.
C:\Users\nohwnd\Documents\GitHub\Pester [main ≡]> git checkout -b "FixHelpForShould"
Switched to a new branch 'FixHelpForShould'
C:\Users\nohwnd\Documents\GitHub\Pester [FixHelpForShould]>

Step 4 - Implement Your Changes​

Now you can start implementing your changes. Make sure that your changes are relevant to the feature that you are implementing/the bug you are fixing. Avoid changing formatting and style of code that is not relevant to your changes.

Step 5 - Commit Your Changes​

Once you are done with you changes you need to commit them to your branch

Proposing a new Function​

In order to propose a new function to be added to Pester, we ask that you:

  1. Fork the Pester repo.

  2. Create a PS1 script with $FunctionName in the Functions directory.

  3. Add your function to the FunctionsToExport key in the Pester module manifest.

  4. Add the function to exported commands in the Pester module & $script:SafeCommands['Export-ModuleMember'] New-Function

  5. Create a Pester test file in the form of $FunctionName.Tests.ps1 in the Functions directory.

    • Do not dot source the function script in your tests. The function will already be included as part of the module.

    • Ensure your code works on PowerShell versions 2-5.

    • Run the Pester test suite.

      Get-Module Pester | Remove-Module
      Import-Module .\Pester.psd1
      Invoke-Pester -Path 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Pester\Functions'
  6. Commit the change.

  7. Submit a pull request.